Notices and Decisions
DECEMBER 21, 2010
Following consultation with the Maltese resident Director of 21st Century Investments SICAV plc (“the Scheme”), and its Administrator TMF FundAdministration (Malta) Ltd, the Authority has on the 21st December, 2010, resolved – in terms of article 15(2)(b) of the Investment Services Act, 1994 - ...
DECEMBER 20, 2010
This notice is to make the general public aware that the Malta Financial Services Authority (“MFSA”) has been notified by Lloyds TSB Offshore Funds Limited (“the Scheme”) regarding the merger of Asian Pacific Fund and Japanese Fund into International Fund and Sterling Deposit Fund into Sterl ...
DECEMBER 02, 2010
The Commissioner Services (DG Internal Market) has published the following Consultation:
Consultation on legislative steps for the Packaged Retail Investment Products (PRIPs) initiative, including PRIPs that are insurance products.
Consultation document on the Revision of the Insurance Media ...
DECEMBER 01, 2010
This notice is to make the general public aware that HSBC Malta Funds SICAV plc (“the Scheme”) recently requested the Malta Financial Services Authority (“MFSA”) to accept surrender of the collective investment scheme licence granted in relation to one of its sub-funds, namely the European E ...
NOVEMBER 26, 2010
This notice is to make the general public aware that HSBC Structured Funds SICAV plc (“the Scheme”) recently requested the Malta Financial Services Authority (“MFSA”) to accept surrender of the collective investment scheme licence granted in relation to “Capital Protected Accelerator Fund ...
NOVEMBER 25, 2010
Consultation on the Level 2 implementing measures for Directive 2009/138/EC onthe taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and Reinsurance (Solvency Ⅱ)
The European Commission has published a consultation paper on the Level 2 implementing measures for Solvency II. The consul ...
NOVEMBER 18, 2010
This notice is to make the general public aware that Lombard Asset Managers Limited (“the Company”) requested the Malta Financial Services Authority (“MFSA”) to accept surrender of the category 2 investment services licence. The MFSA has accepted the Company’s request. This surrender is en ...
NOVEMBER 08, 2010
The MFSA wishes to bring to the attention of all licence holders the recent coming into effect of European Union Council Regulation (EU) No 961/2010, published on 27 October 2010. This Council Regulation imposes restrictive measures against Iran and amends the list of designated persons under the as ...
OCTOBER 22, 2010
This notice is to make the general public aware that Llyns Investment Funds SICAV plc (“the Scheme”) recently requested the Malta Financial Services Authority (“MFSA”) to accept the voluntary suspension of its collective investment scheme licence for a twelve month period. The MFSA has accep ...
OCTOBER 22, 2010
This notice is to make the general public aware that FMG Funds SICAV plc (“the Scheme”) recently requested the Malta Financial Services Authority (“MFSA”) to accept surrender of the collective investment scheme licence granted in relation to FMG (EU) Special Opportunity Fund, FMG (EU) India ...