Discover the latest news and developments within the Financial Services Industry. This section includes news, events, warnings and administrative measures/penalties issued by the MFSA.

Discover the latest news and developments within the Financial Services Industry. This section includes news, events, warnings and administrative measures/penalties issued by the MFSA.
Press releases issued by the MFSA featuring latest developments from the financial services industry, including legislative and regulatory developments, licencing information and review of documentation published by the Authority.
The MFSA issues a Newsletter – NewsHub. If you would like to subscribe to NewsHub, kindly insert your email address in the subscribe field at the bottom of our home page.
Latest announcements featuring major news items from the European financial supervisory authorities.
The MFSA warns the general public with regards to unlicensed entities claiming to be operating from the Maltese jurisdiction, while also bringing to the attention of the public similar warnings issued by European counterparties.
Administrative or disciplinary sanctions or measures, including reprimands or warnings, imposed or decided by the Authority.
Latest regulatory updates relating to COVID-19 issued by the Malta Financial Services Authority.
Overview The aim of the workshop is to improve the Listed Entities' transpar...
Overview The MFSA Insurance Conference will be an event dedicated to fosteri...
Overview The Solvency II regime includes strict guidelines on outsourcing ar...
Overview The event, organised by Banking Supervision, is designed to provide...
Overview The theme of the Conference is ‘Navigating the Reforms in Banking...
Overview The primary objective of this workshop is to inform industry stakeh...
Overview The Malta Financial Services Authority is hosting an upcoming confe...
Overview Malta's entry into the European Union in 2004 opened the doors to i...
Overview The event is directed to certain MFSA licence holders, specifically...