Notices and Decisions

JULY 13, 2012
Recent failures by a number of listed companies to publish their financial statements within the timeline set by the Listing Rules have raised the need to have in place a published policy which deals with such delays. The Listing Authority will now require the Malta Stock Exchange to suspend the ...
JULY 11, 2012
This notice is to make the general public aware that PMG Focus Funds SICAV plc (“the Scheme”) recently requested the Malta Financial Services Authority (“MFSA”) to accept surrender of the collective investment scheme licence granted in relation to PFF Raising Emerging Stars (“the Sub-Fund� ...
JULY 11, 2012
This notice is to make the general public aware that Venus Multi-Strategy Fund SICAV plc (“the Scheme”) recently requested the Malta Financial Services Authority (“MFSA”) to accept surrender of the collective investment scheme licence granted in relation to Absolute Return Strategies in Asia ...
JULY 10, 2012
The MFSA would like to draw the attention of licence holders to the publication of two public documents by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) which have identified countries considered to have strategic deficiencies regarding anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CF ...
JULY 06, 2012
This notice is to make the general public aware that Invictus SICAV plc (“the Scheme”) recently requested the Malta Financial Services Authority (‘MFSA’) to accept surrender of the collective investment scheme licence granted in relation to the following Sub-Funds: Enea Invictus Far Eas ...
JULY 06, 2012
This notice is to make the general public aware that Swiss Investment Funds SICAV plc (“the Scheme”) recently requested the Malta Financial Services Authority (“MFSA”) to accept surrender of the collective investment scheme licence granted in relation to Alpha Aurum Fund (“the Sub-Fund”) ...
JUNE 26, 2012
On 13 July 2012, the MFSA will be tackling the results of the rapid development in the regulatory framework for financial services seen over the past two years in a workshop to be held at the MFSA’s offices. The workshop will run for three hours and will provide an opportunity for interaction w ...
JUNE 21, 2012
Introduction This Guidance Note shall apply to all securities listed on the European Wholesale Securities Market. The information contained herein aims to give interested persons an overview of the salient changes introduced by the Delegated Regulation which would be relevant to the wholesale mar ...
JUNE 19, 2012
In April 2011 the European Commission asked EIOPA to provide advice on the review of the Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision (“IORP”) Directive. The Commission stated in a Call for Advice (“CfA”) that it intends to introduce a risk-based prudential regime for IORPs which aims ...
JUNE 12, 2012
This notice is to make the general public aware that Zenith International Bond Funds Limited (“the Scheme”) has requested the Malta Financial Services Authority (“MFSA”) to accept surrender of the Collective Investment Scheme Licence issued in respect of the US Dollar Bond Fund (“the Sub-F ...