MFSA Notice - SpringFX Pro
MARCH 06, 2020

The Malta Financial Services Authority (“MFSA”) has become aware of an entity operating under the name of Spring-FX Pro which has an internet presence at

As per their website, SpringFx-Pro offers Secured Accounts, Trading Signals, Trade Assistant, Quick Payout and Forex/Crypto Currency News Update.

The Authority would like to inform the public in Malta and abroad, that SpringFx-Pro is NOT a Maltese registered Company NOR licensed or otherwise authorized by the MFSA to provide any financial services or Fintech services which are required to be licensed or otherwise authorized under Maltese law. The Entity mentions that they are regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority followed by a Licence number.  The Authority would like to reiterate that this Licence number is not linked to the entity in subject.

The MFSA would like to remind consumers of financial services not to enter into any financial services transaction unless they have ascertained that the entity with whom the transaction is being made is authorised to provide such services by the MFSA or another reputable financial services regulator. Financial regulations oblige licensed businesses to comply with strict legal requirements in the interest of investors and the markets. The activities of unlicensed entities are unregulated making transactions with such entities risky for consumers.

A list of MFSA licensed entities is available and can be viewed on the official website of the MFSA at

Verżjoni bil-Malti

L-Awtorità għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji ta’ Malta (“MFSA” jew “l-Awtorità”) tixtieq tavża lill-pubbliku dwar entità bl-isem ta’ Spring-FX Pro li  għandha preżenza fuq l-Internet fis-sit elettroniku

Skont is-sit tagħhom, SpringFx-Pro toffri ”Secured Accounts”, “Trading Signals”, “Trade Assistant”,  “Quick Payout” u aġġornament tal-aħbarijiet dwar Forex/Crypto Currency.

L-Awtorità tixtieq tinforma lill-pubbliku li SpringFx-Pro LA HIJA kumpanija rreġistrata Malta U LANQAS liċenzjata jew b’xi mod ieħor awtorizzata mill- MFSA biex tipprovdi servizzi finanzjarji jew servizzi Fintech, li huma meħtieġa li jkunu liċenzjati jew b’xi mod ieħor awtorizzati taħt il-liġi Maltija. Għalkemm l-Entità ssemmi li hija rregolata mill- Awtorità għas-Servizzi Finanzjarji ta’ Malta u tagħti wkoll numru ta’ liċenzja, lL-Awtorità tixtieq issostni li dan in-numru ta’ liċenzja mhux marbut mal-entità  inkwistjoni.

L-MFSA tixtieq tfakkar lill-konsumaturi tas-servizzi finanzjarji biex ma jidħlu fl-ebda tranżazzjoni ta’ servizzi finanzjarji qabel ikunu aċċertaw li l-entità li magħha qed issir it-transazzjoni hija awtorizzata li tipprovdi dawk is-servizzi mill-MFSA jew minn xi regolatur ieħor tas-servizzi finanzjarjikif applikabbli. Ir-regolamenti finanzjarji jobbligaw lil kumpaniji liċenzjati biex jikkonformaw ma’ rekwiżiti legali stretti fl-interess tal-investituri u s-swieq. L-attivitajiet ta’ entitajiet mhux liċenzjati mhumiex regolati, u għalhekk tranżazzjonijiet ma’ dawn entitajiet ikunu ta’ riskju għall-konsumaturi.

Lista ta’ entitajiet liċenzjati mill-MFSA hija disponibbli fuq is-sit uffiċjali tal-MFSA fuq