Data Controller

The Malta Financial Services Authority (“MFSA”) is the controller of personal data in terms of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 96/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation – “the GDPR”) and the Data Protection Act (Chapter 586 of the Laws of Malta – “DPA”).

The MFSA shall ensure that personal data is processed in accordance with the GDPR, the Data Protection Act (Chapter 586 of the Laws of Malta – the “DPA”) and any other relevant European Union (“EU”) and national law.  The MFSA shall ensure inter alia the confidentiality and security of such personal data.

The MFSA is situated at Triq l-Imdina, Zone 1, Central Business District, Birkirkara, CBD 1010.

Purpose of Processing

The MFSA shall process your personal data in order to be able to provide you with training courses and in order to implement correct registration procedures in terms of law.

The MFSA shall also be processing personal data in relation to complaints initiated by course attendees.

Recipients or Categories of Recipients of Personal Data

The MFSA shall process your personal data in relation to the provision of training services which shall be processed by MFSA employees.

For the purposes for the administration of the accountancy system of the FSA, this will be supported by MFSA’s Finance Function and therefore personal data may be passed on to the MFSA Finance Function.

Retention Period

The FSA retains personal information contained within the enrolment form for 10 years from date of event.

The FSA retains complaint forms, including discrimination and general complaints, for 2 years after closure of the complaint.

Individuals’ Rights

In terms of the GDPR and the DPA, an individual may request form the MFSA access to and rectification of personal data, and, in certain circumstances, has:

  • The right for erasure of personal data;
  • The right for restriction of the processing;
  • The right to object to the processing of the personal data;
  • The right to data portability.

Such requests may be made in writing to the MFSA’s Data Protection Officer on any of the details indicated hereunder.  In addition, an individual has a right to lodge a complaint with the Office of the Information and Data Protection Commissioner in Malta (IDPC).

Contact Details of the Data Protection Officer

The Data Protection Officer may be contacted by:

  • E-mail at [email protected];
  • Phone on (356) 21441155;
  • Postal mail at Malta Financial Services Authority, Triq l-Imdina, Zone 1, Central Business District, Birkirkara, CBD 1010.