News Releases

JULY 01, 2005
On the 30 June 2005, the Malta Financial Services Authority, as the Competent Authority responsible for the regulation and supervision of credit institutions, in terms of the Banking Act 1994, has issued a banking licence to Finansbank (Malta) Limited. The bank is licensed to carry out the busin ...
JUNE 17, 2005
The Prime Forestry Group, which describes itself as “an innovator in forestry partnerships” and is supposedly based in Switzerland, has been sending unsolicited letters, colourful brochures and emails to Maltese consumers, enticing them with “investment opportunities” offering “annualized ...
MAY 31, 2005
Once again, the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) would like draw the attention of the general public that no person may offer to provide financial services of any type unless that person is duly authorised by the Authority. Last year (in July 2004), the MFSA issued a public warning about ...
FEBRUARY 22, 2005
The Board of Governors of the Malta Financial Services Authority (the “MFSA”) invites applications from interested parties who are licensed to provide insurance broking services. The appointed firm will be expected to assist in reviewing the current insurance programme of the Authority, acquire ...
FEBRUARY 16, 2005
Areas of common interest, including the EU single market in financial services, were discussed at a meeting held on the 16 th February between a delegation led by The Rt Hon. Alderman Michael Savory, the Lord Mayor of the City of London, and the MFSA. The Lord Mayor later gave a keynote speech at a ...
FEBRUARY 04, 2005
New premises for the Registry of Companies at the MFSA were officially inaugurated by the Hon. Prime Minister, Dr. Lawrence Gonzi on the 4th of February. The event coincided with the 10th Anniversary of the opening of the offices housing the Malta Financial Services Authority. The Prime Minister ...
FEBRUARY 03, 2005
The Malta Financial Services Authority (the “Authority”) is seeking to appoint a person to act as liquidator for the purposes of winding up the affairs of companies which conducted business as insurance intermediaries under the Insurance Business Act (Cap. 403) and the Insurance Brokers and Othe ...
JANUARY 31, 2005
The Malta Financial Services Authority (‘MFSA’) informs the public that Direct Foreign Exchange Services Ltd has surrendered its licence to undertake foreign exchange services which was issued in terms of the Financial Institutions Act 1994 (Cap 376). The surrender is entirely voluntary and does ...
JANUARY 03, 2005
The Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) is currently undergoing a number of organisational changes to address the needs of the growing financial services sector while keeping abreast of developments at the European and international level. In order to reflect some of these changes the INVESTME ...
JANUARY 03, 2005
The Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) has implemented a number of organisational changes to better address the needs of the growing financial services sector while keeping abreast of developments at the European and international level. With effect from the 2nd January 2005, the MFSA has ...